Avast, there’s art to be seen!

Every once in a while, John Kovalic calls me up and asks me to do a comics coloring job. This time, he asked me to color the cover art for the VCon programming guide. And, he said, it would involve pirates. And space. Space pirates. How could I say no? …

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The Fantastic Fest 2013 Tour de Kitsch!

In order to get to Fantastic Fest a couple of weeks ago, I had to drive across most of the United States. The 1,171 mile drive between Minneapolis, MN and Austin, TX goes past a lot of rural country, meaning there is a bounty of strange little truck stops with …

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 8, Part 2

Fantastic Fest has been over for a week, and it’s taken me this long to recover well enough to finish up my posts about it. I already posted about some of the final day’s shenanigans; here are the rest. NORTHWEST Dir. Michael Noer I’m usually cold toward films that don’t …

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A Reel Education LIVE on October 10th!

Once again, A Reel Education will be recording an episode LIVE at the Parkway Theater! On October 10th, you can join our live recording session, which comes with a full screening of Alfred Hitchcock’s amazing classic thriller, Rear Window! James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Thelma Ritter… the works! Not only are …

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 8, Part 1

I just survived the Fantastic Fest 2013 closing night party. I’ll get around to movie reviews later. For now, I have a deep need for you to see what I saw last night. I have a new truism for life: stuntmen know how to party.

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 7

Yesterday was crazy at Fantastic Fest. I wound up partnered with Cole Bradley and the guys who made a short film named “The Last Video Store” for Geeks Who Drink trivia, and we wound up winning the whole shebang. (Free beers! Yay!) The final event of the day was Karaoke …

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 6

The film festival is starting to get surreal. For example, yesterday I had a conversation with Harry Knowles about what it would take to shove mud up our respective asses (though, in our defense, this conversation was completely relevant to the subject of film). But the movies keep on falling …

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 5

I don’t actually know what day of the week it is anymore. All I know is that I watched a lot of movies (21 as of this writing) and I have a lot more ahead of me. When I drove Jerry Belich to the airport this morning and turned on …

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 4

The Fantastic Fatigue is now setting in. I even skipped the earliest movie slot in the day. (In my defense, I used that time to have an amazing brunch with my friends Cargill and Jessica.) However, I am soldiering on, and being rewarded with great movies. Also, I met Thomas …

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Fantastic Fest 2013 Day 3

Out of my five picks from yesterday, all five were gems. Behold… JOURNEY TO THE WEST: CONQUERING THE DEMONS Dir. Stephen Chow Stephen Chow’s first film in seven years is a hoot and a half, and it is certainly up to the caliber of previous Chow favorites like Kung Fu …

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