CONvergence is HERE!

CONvergence 2017 Logo

One of the things consuming my brainpower recently is CONvergence 2017, which starts today! CONvergence is the sci-fi/comics/geek convention that I’ve worked on for the last 19 years, where 6,000+ people will show up and proceed to dance, drink, and stay up way too late until the whole thing vanishes …

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PowerPoint Karaoke: June 16th

PowerPoint Karaoke Logo

On Friday, June 16th, PowerPoint Karaoke shall once again rock Fantasy Flight Games! What it is: Four improv comedians must each give a PowerPoint presentation with slides they have never seen before, and the slides make no sense! When: 7:00 PM, June 16th Where: Fantasy Fight Games Center, 1975 W County Road B2, Roseville, …

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PowerPoint Karaoke APRIL OF DOOOOM!

PowerPoint Karaoke Logo

This month, you will have THREE chances to see PowerPoint Karaoke on stage, and one of them you can even watch live on the internet! April 1: Die Laughing 50-Hour Comedy Marathon This year, PPK returns to the Die Laughing comedy marathon, where Fearless Comedy Productions does live comedy nonstop …

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Max Wants You to Donate to the Walk for Animals!


This is Max. Max is my dog. I adopted him from the Golden Valley Humane Society in August 2016, and he is, of course, the best dog! (…except when he shreds his dog bed, like he did last night. But he’s cute, so we’ll overlook that for now.) The thing …

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The Iceman Cometh (not the Eugene O’Neill one)

The Iceman Cometh (1989)

I finally tracked down a DVD of a movie yesterday, and I’m so pleased with my purchase that I am honoring it with animated .gifs. This movie, of course, is The Iceman Cometh (aka Ji dong ji xia, released in 1989). No, this has nothing to do with the Eugene …

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Friday, March 17th: The Ides of PowerPoint Karaoke!

PowerPoint Karaoke Logo

On Friday, March 17th, PowerPoint Karaoke returns to rock Fantasy Flight Games! What it is: Four improv comedians must each give a PowerPoint presentation with slides they have never seen before, and the slides make no sense! When: 7:00 PM, March 17th Where: Fantasy Fight Games Center, 1975 W County Road B2, Roseville, MN How …

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Friday, February 17th: PowerPoint Karaoke Returns!

PowerPoint Karaoke

That’s right, folks! On Friday, February 17th, PowerPoint Karaoke begins a whole new season of image-assisted mischief at Fantasy Flight Games! What it is: Four improv comedians must each give a PowerPoint presentation with slides they have never seen before, and the slides make no sense! When: 7:00 PM, Wednesday, February 17th Where: Fantasy …

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Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016

Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016

A couple weeks ago, I was once again granted access to the Butt-Numb-a-Thon 2016 in Austin, TX. For 24 hours, around 200 hardcore movie nerds and I were subjected to the cinematic whims of Harry Knowles. The drill: show up at noon on Saturday, we get to leave sometime after noon the …

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PowerPoint Karaoke: Cancelled for December 16th

PowerPoint Karaoke

Hi, folks! Since there is apparently a big whopping snowstorm sweeping in on Friday, and because Rogue One is opening this weekend, we decided it would be best to just simplify everyone’s lives by canceling this month’s show. We will return in January!

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Wednesday, November 9th: PowerPoint Karaoke at FFG!

PowerPoint Karaoke

We’re back at it once again! On Friday, November 9th, PowerPoint Karaoke will return to Fantasy Flight Games! What it is: Four improv comedians must each give a PowerPoint presentation with slides they have never seen before. I’ll be slinging the slides! When: 7:00 PM, Wednesday, November 9th Where: Fantasy Fight Games Center, 1975 …

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