Every year, a troupe of Minnesotans and I apply to attend the Butt-Numb-a-Thon birthday party / film festival. In recent years, Harry Knowles (the BNAT overlord and master) has made a video project part of the application process.
This year, Harry’s assignment was to make our own version of “The Good Ship Lollipop”, the signature song from a Shirley Temple film called Bright Eyes.
So I went to Windy Bowlsby and said we need to make a Bollywood dance number, and she pretty much took that ball and ran like hell:
Within the video, you will see the likes of Courtney Azar, Romeo Azar, Jerry Belich, Chris Bowlsby, Windy Bowlsby, Christopher Jones, Jenni Klumpp, Perrin Klumpp, Patricia Wick, Tim Wick, and myself. Romeo did the editing under the guidance of Windy and me. Fes Works was a superhero for handling the camera and supplying things like lights and a greenscreen.
Wonder how many people will catch the primate cameo on first viewing.