I’m endlessly fascinated by Neflix’s elaborate algorithm for guessing what people will enjoy. I noticed a while ago it simply gave up suggesting horror movies to me, because it just couldn’t figure out that I loved horror films, but that I like them to be, y’know, good. I’m also amused that “foreign” is apparently a genre.
But here’s something that cracked me up today:
Netflix calls them “Violent Foreign Crime Movies.”
I think they should call them “OH SHIT MAN POINT A GUN AT THE POSTER BORDER! Movies.”
Even better, if I scroll to the right… THERE’S MORE!
The two genres it’s recommending for me right now are “Witty Comedies Featuring a Strong Female Lead” and “Visionary Science & Technology TV Shows”. So my ideal movie would be, what, “Gorillas In The Mist, The Musical”?
“Contact 2: Road Trip Through Space”
Hmmm… Contact would make a good musical comedy.
Aaaand there’s Monday’s comic written. 😀