Dakegra: Did Bourne redefine the action genre? Discuss.
Me: Yes.
KyleCassidy: Bourne stood on the shoulders of Bond and John Woo. The view from that high up is pretty epic. Books not so actioney.
Dakegra: True.
Me: However, it was the Bourne films that made other contemporary action films look silly and overwrought. (…at least, in terms of mainstream American cinema.)
Me (later): Also, I should note that I’m not talking about the 3-hour 1988 Richard Chamberlain version of The Bourne Identity.
Dakegra: I’d not heard of that one. I feel I ought to watch it.
KyleCassidy: You mean of course The Bourne Birds.
Me: *spit take*
Dakegra: #applause
(If you don’t get it, go here.)
Of course now someone has to make “The Bourne Birds” or at least a trailer for it.