The Fearless Comedy Launch Party on Saturday night was wildly successful. The room was packed for five hours as a stream of entertainment and beer washed over the crowd. I also hear that a healthy stream of money washed from the crowd back to the entertainers, which is as it should be for such fundraiser events.
I was honored (and a little terrified) by being given the closing spot: PowerPoint Karaoke closed out the night, so the pressure was on to go out on a high note. It turns out that I had nothing to fear, as my two contestants wound up being Joseph Scrimshaw and Aric McKeown, and they absolutely killed. By the end, Joseph wound up wrapped around Aric like some sort of terrifying, be-sneakered spider monkey, and Aric carried him offstage.
We were preceeded by tremendously funny stuff, too. Geeks Without God did a live recording with Aric; Joseph did a live recording of Obsessed with random audience members (including the spectacularly awkward Fes Works); Bill Young did stand-up; Ian Rains (of Drinking with Ian fame) ran his $50 pyramid show; and there was so much more.
One of the best treats of the night for me, though, was finally seeing a live performance by Courtney McClean and the Dirty Curls. I’ve known Courtney for a while, as she’s done a few PowerPoint Karaoke shows. I’ve been aware of her band for much longer, but had never actually seen them perform. Finally, I now know what bluegrass and pornographic lyrics truly belong together, and I have sworn to go see The Dirty Curls perform a full show sometime.
The capper to this is that, in the party’s silent auction, Fes Works won a live concert (!) by this fine, filthy band. So now we’re trying to figure out what to do with this. We might just move in together so we can have the mother of all house parties.
Anyway, Fearless Comedy is now off to a good start. Also, while I was hanging around and waiting for my set, I shot a couple photos of Courtney. Enjoy!
Fes Obsessed. Oh dear.
I can only hope that my comments from the audience can be heard on the recording.