Last Wednesday, I received an extraordinary gift from Fes Works: he took me to Drive a Tank, where I got to plunge an FV 433 Abbot into a lake.
But I don’t have photos of that yet.
Because I was too busy driving a tank to take photos myself.
Yet I have plenty of other photos from the day at Drive a Tank! In fact, after my own personal tank-driving adventures, I got to bounce around in the back of an APV (fully outfitted with an evergreen-shaped air freshener), shoot a 1945 STEN machine gun, and watch a Chieftan tank roll over four passenger cars.
That’s right. I got to watch a tank smash cars.
I shot lots of photos of that, and even some video. Behold:
So, if you want to smash cars with a tank, you can do so in Kasota, MN. It’s not cheap, but where else are you going to be able to do that without joining the military?
The folks at Drive a Tank are a lot of fun, too. Highly recommended.